21 E. Main St. • Millville, NJ 08332 • 856-327-4220 

Wills, Living Wills & Powers of Attorney

Located in Millville, NJ
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Wills, Powers of Attorney, & Living Wills

Plan for tomorrow today to make things easier for yourself and your family:

Everyone should have a thoughtful estate plan which includes a will, a power of attorney, and a living will.
A will instructs how you wish your assets to be distributed after your death. It allows you to name an executor to handle your affairs and if you have minor children, to choose a guardian to physically take care of them and a trustee to manage the inheritance to fund their health, education, and welfare until they reach adulthood.
A power of attorney allows you to choose a person or persons you trust to handle your affairs should you become incapacitated for any reason. The time to create a power of attorney is NOW when you are capable of making such decisions. It is too late to create a power of attorney when you need one.
A living will serves to instruct those you love and your medical providers how you choose to be cared for in the event you are suffering from a terminal illness.
The cost of a basic estate planning package for a single person ranges between $450.00 and $750.00; for a couple it ranges between $900.00 and $1,500.00. 

As you age and as your physical, personal, and financial circumstances change, you should review your estate plan with your attorney and update it accordingly - generally every five years.

When you want to prevent losing your estate to inheritance or estate taxes or to plan for nursing home care:

No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to or lose a lifetime of hard-earned wealth to the medical establishment. 

Careful and timely planning can allow you to legitimately protect assets while still maintaining a secure position for current and future obligations of your life.
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